Awards Chair
Sue Burns
Singles Awards:
Singles Awards will be presented for bowlers rolling a game that is a minimum of 100 pins over his/her average. Members are entitled to one singles award per season.
Triple Awards:
Triples Awards will be presented to a bowler for 3 games that total 150 pins over the bowler’s average. Members are entitled to one triple award per season.
High Score Awards:
Members will be awarded for high scores as follows:
400 Single = $10.00 once per season | 1st time = “400” pin | 2nd time = “number” pin
900 Triple (Ladies Only) = $25.00 once per season
1000 Triple = $25.00 once per season
Perfect Game = Award valued up to $450.00 once per season
To ensure that your league gets their awards, please download or make copies of the form at the bottom of this page. League secretaries are asked to submit their awards sheets at the end of each month.
League Awards:
Leagues that have 100% membership are entitled to a year-end award, and League Championship pins. This award will be given out near the end of the season, and is presented at the League’s discretion. You must notify us if you require any League Championship pins at least one month prior to the end of your season.
Other Information:
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the awards program, please feel free to contact Sue Burns directly, or any member of the Hamilton 5 Pin Bowlers’ Association.
All award selections are subject to availability. Notification/changes will be made to awards as they change. Please check the website regarding selections.